Use of Cookies on the website

FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL uses on its website (the “Website”) a technology called “Cookies” in order to collect information about the use of the Website. Cookies are files sent to a browser through a web server to record the User's activities on a specific website, applications and/or services on the FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL website.
The first purpose of Cookies is to provide the User with faster access to the selected Services. In addition, Cookies personalize the Services offered by the Web, facilitating and offering each User information that may be of interest to them based on their use of the Services.
Cookies are only associated with an anonymous User and their computer and do not provide references that allow the User's personal data to be deduced. The User may configure their browser to notify and reject the installation of Cookies sent by the FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL Website. If you block the use of 'cookies' in your browser, some services or functionalities of the Website may not be available.
Accessing and browsing the Website or using its services implies acceptance of the terms included in the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy. Please read them carefully.

Type, purpose and operation of Cookies

Browsing this Website means that the following types of Cookies classified according to their objective may be installed:
PERFORMANCE COOKIES: This type of Cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the Services, so you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit it.
GEO-LOCATION COOKIES: These Cookies are used to find out which country you are in when you request a Service. This Cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content to your location.
REGISTRATION COOKIES: Registration Cookies are generated once the User has registered or subsequently opened their session and are used to identify them in the Services with the following objectives: to keep the User identified so that, if they close a Service, the browser or computer and if at another time you enter said Service again, it will continue to recognize you, thus facilitating your navigation without having to identify yourself again. This functionality can be deleted if the User clicks on the “log out” functionality, so that this Cookie is deleted and the next time the User enters the Service they will have to log in to be identified.
ANALYTICAL COOKIES: Every time a User visits a Service, a tool from a third-party provider generates an analytical Cookie on the User's computer. This Cookie is only generated during the visit and will serve, in future visits, to anonymously identify the visitor.
ADVERTISING COOKIES: This type of “Cookies” allow expanding the information of the advertisements shown to each anonymous User in the Web Services. Among others, the duration or frequency of viewing advertising positions, the interaction with them, or the User's browsing patterns and/or behaviors are stored as they help to form a profile of advertising interest. In this way, they allow advertising related to the interests of the User to be offered.

Cookies used by this website

Cookie Function
__utmb Google Analytics
__utmb Google Analytics
__utmc Google Analytics
__utmz Google Analytics
accept_cookie We save your consent to use cookies to not show our notice

How to disable Cookies in the main browsers

You can restrict, block or delete Cookies from this website at any time by modifying the settings of your Internet browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services and your experience on the Website may be less satisfactory.
On the following websites you have all the information at your disposal to configure or disable your cookies in each browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.
Learn more about deleting or controlling cookies at


FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL does not store the personal data of our users, with the exception of the IP address, unless you want to register voluntarily in order to make purchases of the products and services that we make available to you or receive information about articles, news and content of interest to you. By browsing and continuing on our website you consent to the use of the Cookies stated above, and under the conditions contained in this Cookies Policy.

Revisions and updates to this policy.

This Cookies Policy may be subject to occasional revisions. For this reason, we invite you to consult this policy to know sufficiently which Cookies we use how and for what.